联系方式:E-mail: lihaospace@163.com
李浩,男,汉族,工学博士,实验师。主要负责学院的本科物理化学实验教学和实验室管理工作。从事林产化工及功能高分子材料的研究工作,主持广西科技厅青年基金项目1项,广西教育厅科研项目1项,广西民族大学引进人才科研启动项目1项,参与多项国家自然科学基金项目和广西基金项目。近年来,在Journal of Chromatography A,New Journal Of Chemistry,林产化学与工业等国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,获发明专利授权5件。


1. 松香基吸附剂分离中药厂废水中生物碱性能研究,广西高校科研项目(KY2015YB080),2015.01-2017.12,3w.
2. 含菲环骨架的吸附树脂分离橙皮甙及构效关系研究,广西自然科学基金青年基金项目(2017GXNSFBA198013),2017.09-2020.08,10w.
3. 松香基反相/亲水混合模式液相色谱柱的制备与评价,广西民族大学引进人才科研启动项目(2022KJQD16),2023.01-2026.12,4w.

1. Hao Li, Wenbo Xie, Lei Zeng, Wen Li, Boan Shi, Fuhou Lei*. Development and evaluation of a hydrogenated rosin (β-acryloxyl ethyl) ester–bonded silica stationary phase for high-performance liquid chromatography separation of paclitaxel from yew bark[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2022, 1665: 462815.
2. Hao Li, Xiaomei Song, Pengfei Li, Wen Li, Ting Wang, Liting Qin, Juying Zhou, Fuhou Lei*. Separation of alkaloids and their analogs in HPLC using rosin-based polymer microspheres as stationary phases[J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45(15): 6856-6864.
3. Wenbo Xie, Hao Li, Yao Sun, Wen Li, Fengmei Yi, Lu Xia, Fuhou Lei*. Separating and purifying of Panax notoginseng saponins using a rosin-based polymer-bonded with silica as a high-performance liquid chromatography stationary phase[J]. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 176: 107234.
4. Wen-Bo Xie, Hao Li, Lei Zeng, Li-Juan Jiang, Wen Li, Lu Xia, Fu-Hou Lei*. Separation of Panax notoginseng saponins on modiffed rosin ester-bonded silica stationary phase and its mechanism[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023,1239: 340661.
5. HAO LI, FUHOU LEI*, PENGFEI LI, WENGUI DUAN, JUYINGZHOU, XUECAI TAN.Selective Adsorption of Berberine Hydrochloride using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers with Modified Rosin as Cross-linker.Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(13): 7421-7426.
6. 李浩, 谢文博, 曾磊, 易柳钰, 李文, 雷福厚*. 核壳型松香基高分子键合硅胶液相色谱固定相高效分离紫杉醇[J]. 林产化学与工业, 2023, 43(1): 34-42.
7. 覃丽婷, 张冬民, 李浩*, 鄂羽羽, 丁猛, 杨建林, 姚兴东, 雷福厚*. 含糖基大孔吸附树脂的合成及对银杏黄酮的吸附性能研究[J].化学研究与应用,2020, 32(7): 1240-1248.
8. 李浩, 雷福厚, 谢文博, 李文, 覃丽婷, 李军. 一种松香基键合硅胶固定相及其制备方法[P]. 中国专利:ZL202011109196.X,2021-09-24.(授权)
9. 李浩, 雷福厚, 谢文博, 易冯梅,曾磊. 一种用松香基键合硅胶固定相分离紫杉醇的方法[P]. 中国专利:ZL202011108574.2,2023-03-07.(授权)