赵彦芝,硕士,高级实验师。近5年来主持完成广西区级项目1项,主持完成广西教育厅项目1项,作为主要完成人参与了2项国家项目和2项广西区级项目。近3年来以第一或通讯作者在advanced composites and hybrid materials,Journal of Molecular Liquids,polymer,polymers等SCI一区、二区发表论文9篇,授权专利2篇。


1. 用于细胞培养的松香基两亲性有序多孔膜的构筑,广西自然科学基金青年项目。
2. 纳米杂化非异氰酸酯聚氨酯的研究及应用,广西教育厅科学技术科研项目。

1. Chunguan Zhao, Xiufang Zhu, Yanzhi Zhao*,Juying Zhou*, et al. Polyacrylonitrile/multi‑walled carbon nanotubes/polyurethane electrospun nanofiber membranes for sports equipment, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2024, 7
2. Yanzhi Zhao,Xue Xia, Yong Zhu,Juying Zhou*, et al. Thermoresponsive behavior of non-isocyanate poly(hydroxyl)urethane for biomedical composite materials, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 5, 843–852
3. Yanzhi Zha, Kun Qi, Boming Zhu, et al. Effect of chain rigidity on morphological transformation and adsorption behaviors of biocompatible polyoxyethylene‑based surfactants at water–air surface,Colloid and Polymer Science, 2021, 299, 1807–1817
4. Yanzhi Zhao, Boming Zhu, JuyingZhou*, et al. Temperature-induced structural changes of biocompatible crystallizable rosin polymer in solution and hydrogel, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 114512.
5. Hai-Tang Xu, Yan-Zhi Zhao∗, Ju-Ying Zhou∗,et al.Bioactive Compounds: Antioxidant, Antibacterialand Antiproliferative Activities in Chloranthus henryi, Sci. Adv. Mater. 2020, 12 (1), 144–151.
6. Yanzhi Zhao, Qin Huang* and Juying Zhou*, et al. Crystallization and Temperature Driven Morphological Evolution of Bio-based Polyethylene Glycol-acrylic Rosin Polymer, Polymers, 2019, 11 (10), 1684.
7. 赵彦芝,周菊英* 等, 丙烯海松酸聚乙二醇酯的合成及聚集行为, 生物质化学工程, 2019, 53(4),19-25.
8.Yanzhi Zhao, Juying Zhou*, et al. Temperature induced multiple structure transformation and aggregation behaviors of amphiphilic acrylicpimaric acid polyglycol ester in water, polymer, 2017, 118, 49-57.
9. Yanzhi Zhao, Juying Zhou*, et al. Progressive Relaxation Behavior and Relaxation Dynamics of sPS Gels upon Controlled Heating, polymers, 2018, 10, 526-539.

1. 赵彦芝,夏雪,周菊英,许海棠, 一种温敏性非异氰酸酯聚氨酯及其制备方法和应用, 授权号 202010526762.0.
2. 赵彦芝,夏雪,周菊英,宋敦清,张科,一种硅烷天门冬氨酸酯的制备及改性聚脲防水涂料,授权号,202110762378.5