
2024年04月02日 13:03

作者: 来源: 访问量:294

联系方式:E-mail: xiuyu.liu@gxun.edu.cn;QQ: 1098039336


刘秀宇,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。主持国家自然基金项目1项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,广西自然科学基金项目1项,广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室开放基金项目1项以及广西民族大学引进人才科研启动项目1项。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Green Chemistry, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Carbohydrate Polymers、Industrial Crops and Products、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Cellulose等高水平SCI期刊上发表论文20篇,累计被引用900余次。曾作为团队重要成员,获得“小平科技创新团队”等多项国家级奖项。2019年8月至今在广西民族大学化学化工学院任教,指导本科生获得大创项目自治区立项。现承担《精细化学品化学》《波谱分析》《科技写作与文献检索》等本科课程的教学工作。




1. 2017年广西优秀研究生海外研修项目,赴美国Western Michigan University进行为期1年的科学研究;


1. 国家自然科学基金项目,22268014,裂解多糖单加氧酶协效解离和定向修饰蔗渣微纳米纤丝及其光学性能调控机制,2023-01至2026-12,33万元;

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2020M683209,木质纤维素基纳米TiO2复合气凝胶的可控组装及其对染料的吸附降解机制,2020-11至2022-11,8万元;

3. 广西自然科学基金青年项目,2020GXNSFBA159009,基于酶处理的雾度可控高透明纳米纸的构建及调控机制研究,2020-07至2023-07,8万元;

4. 广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室开放基金项目,2019KF28,基于生物酶预处理的纤维素纳米纤丝制备及其光学性能研究,2020-04至2022-04,5万元;

5. 广西民族大学引进人才科研启动项目,2019KJQD10,高透明雾度可控纤维素纳米纤丝纸的构建及调控机制研究,2020-01至2024-12,8万元。


(1)Jiang Yan, Wang Xinyi, Meng Zhiqian, Zhang Mengyang, Wang Shuangfei, Liu Xiuyu*. Weakening fibril-fibril interactions via on-demand regulation of hemicellulose phase towards facile disassembly of lignocellulose heterostructure into approaching native-state elementary fibrils. Green Chemistry. 2024, 26(2): 879-894. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=9.8)

(2)Zhou Shuqi, Liu Xiuyu*, Xiao Lu, Huang Qin, Wang Shuangfei, Jiang Yan. In-situ fibrillated sugarcane cell wall decorated with WO3-Ag nanocatalyst for efficient adsorption-photocatalytic removal of antibiotics from water. Separation and Purification Technology. 2024, 343: 127181. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=8.6)

(3)Li Wenwen, Cheng Gege, Wang Shuangjv, Jiang Yan, Liu Xiuyu*, Huang Qin. Bifunctional lignocellulose nanofiber hydrogel possessing intriguing pH-responsiveness and self-healing capability towards wound healing applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024, 260(Pt 1): 129398. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=8.03)

(4)Meng Zhiqian, Liu Xiuyu*, Zhou Lin, Wang Xinyi, Huang Qin, Chen Guoning, Wang Shuangfei, Jiang Yan. Versatile Mesoporous All-Wood Sponge Enabled by In Situ Fibrillation toward Indoor-Outdoor Energy Management and Conversion. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces. 2024, 16(5): 6261-6273. (中科院SCI大类二区top,IF=9.8)

(5)Jiang Shan, Liu Xiuyu*, Wang Zehai, Zhou Lin, Meng Zhiqian, Wang Xinyi, Chen Guoning, Wang Shuangfei, Jiang Yan. In Situ Lignin Modification Enabling Enhanced Interfibrillar Interactions in Lignocellulosic Nanomaterials toward Structural Applications. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2023, 11(20): 7705-7718. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=9.24)

(6)Zhou Lin, Liu Xiuyu*, Jiang Shan, Wang Xinyi, Meng Zhiqian, Li Xiuzhen, Chen Guoning, Wang Shuangfei, Jiang Yan. In-situ microstructure regulation towards feasible production of self-reinforced lignocellulose nanopaper with multifunctionality. Industrial Crops and Products. 2023, 193: 116229. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=6.45)

(7)Jiang Yan, Zhang Mengyang, Weng Mengling, Liu Xiuyu*, Rong Xianjian, Huang Qin, Chen Guoning, Wang Shuangfei, Wang Lijun*. Hemicellulose-rich transparent wood: Microstructure and macroscopic properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 296: 119925. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=10.72)

(8)Zou Xiangyuan, Yao Liangyi, Zhou Shuqi, Chen Guoning, Wang Shuangfei, Liu Xiuyu*, Jiang Yan*. Sulfated lignocellulose nanofibril based composite aerogel towards adsorption–photocatalytic removal of tetracycline. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 296: 119970. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=10.72)

(9)Jiang Yan, Wang Zehai, Zhou Lin, Jiang Shan, Liu Xiuyu*, Zhao Hui*, Huang Qin, Wang Lijun, Chen Guoning, Wang Shuangfei. Highly efficient and selective modification of lignin towards optically designable and multifunctional lignocellulose nanopaper for green light-management applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022, 206: 264-276.(中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=8.03)

(10)Jiang Yan, Wang Zehai, Liu Xiuyu*, Yang Qiang, Huang Qin, Wang Lijun, Dai Yi, Qin Chengrong, Wang Shuangfei. Highly transparent, UV-shielding, and water-resistant lignocellulose nanopaper from agro-industrial waste for green optoelectronics. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8: 17508-17519.(封面论文,中科院SCI大类一区,IF=9.24)

(11)Liu Xiuyu, Jiang Yan, Song Xueping, Qin Chengrong, Wang Shuangfei*, Li Kecheng. A bio-mechanical process for cellulose nanofiber production–Towards a greener and energy conservation solution. Carbohydrate polymers. 2019, 208: 191-199. (中科院SCI大类一区top,IF=10.72)

(12)Liu Xiuyu, Jiang Yan*, Wang Lijun, Song Xueping, Qin Chengrong, Wang Shuangfei. Tuning of size and properties of cellulose nanofibers isolated from sugarcane bagasse by endoglucanase-assisted mechanical grinding. Industrial Crops and Products. 2020, 146: 112201.(中科院SCI大类一区,IF=6.25)

(13)Liu Xiuyu, Jiang Yan, Qin Chengrong, Yang Shuang, Song Xueping*, Wang Shuangfei, Li Kecheng. Enzyme-assisted mechanical grinding for cellulose nanofibers from bagasse: energy consumption and nanofiber characteristics. Cellulose. 2018, 25(12): 7065-7078.(中科院SCI大类二区,IF=6.12)

(14)Jiang Yan(#), Liu Xiuyu(#), Yang Qiang, Song Xueping, Qin Chengrong, Wang Shuangfei(*), Li Kecheng. Effects of residual lignin on composition, structure and properties of mechanically defibrillated cellulose fibrils and films. Cellulose. 2019, 26(3): 1577-1593.(中科院SCI大类二区,IF=6.12)

(15)Jiang Yan(#), Liu Xiuyu(#), Yang Qiang, Song Xueping, Qin Chengrong, Wang Shuangfei(*), Li Kecheng. Effects of residual lignin on mechanical defibrillation process of cellulosic fiber for producing lignocellulose nanofibrils. Cellulose. 2018, 25(11): 6479-6494.(中科院SCI大类二区,IF=6.12)

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