
2021年04月25日 14:06

作者: 来源: 访问量:2414

联系方式:E-mail: 20210005@gxmzu.edu.cn


苏俏俏,女,仫佬族,广西南宁人,工学博士,副教授,中共党员。承担本科生《化工原理》、《化工仪表自动化》、《化工机械设备》等课程。目前以第一作者发表论文12篇SCI,其中包括Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Cleaner Production、Applied Energy等一区Top SCI论文, 授权2项国家发明专利。主持1项国家级科研项目,1项省部级科研项目,参加了多项国家自然科学基金及省部级项目。参加省部级教改项目1项,主持校级教改项目2项。



2. 地聚物转化为沸石的制备及其应用研究


1. “课证融合、训岗直通”提升地方环境工程技术专业人才培养质量研究与实践, 自治区级教学成果三等奖,广西壮族自治区教育厅,20017.03(排名第12)




1. 博士人才引进科研启动经费(No. 2021KJQD12),2021.01-2029.01,8万元

2. 原材料对碱基地聚物的结构调控与其回收利用废水中重金属研究,广西自然科学基金青年基金(No. 2021GXNSFBA196065),2021.09-2024.09, 8万元

3. 双功能地聚物的结构调控及吸附、催化机理,国家自然科学基金青年基金(No. 51162001)2024.01-2026.12,30万元


[1] BCN纳米管的宏量化制备和性能(国家自然科学基金No. 51162001)

[2] 极端条件下碱激发地质聚合物反应机制、微结构及宏观性能的研究及应用(国家自然科学基金No. 51772055)

[3] 化学合成类矿渣粉体的碱激发反应机理与性能研究(广西自然科学基金面上基金)



[1] Su Q Q, Yang S J, He Y, et al., Prepared self-growing supported nickel catalyst by recovering Ni (Ⅱ) from metal wastewater using geopolymer microspheres [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 389: 121919 (SCI 一区)

[2] Su Q Q, Ye Q, Deng L, et al., Prepared self-growth supported copper catalyst by recovering Cu (II) from wastewater using geopolymer microspheres[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 272:122571 (SCI 一区)

[3] Su Q Q, He Y*, Yang S J, et al., Synthesis of NaA-zeolite microspheres from geopolymer for Pb (Ⅱ) removal: Static and dynamic adsorption [J]. Applied Clay Science, 2020, 200: 105914 (SCI )

[4] Su Q Q, Deng L, Ye Q, et al., KOH-activated geopolymer microspheres recycle Co(II) with higher adsorption capacity than NaOH-activated ones [J]. ACS Omega, 2020,5(37)23898-23908 (SCI 三区)

[5] Ye Q, Su Q Q*, Deng L , et al., Self-assembled geopolymer-based microspheres supported nanoclusters for CO2 hydrogenation. Journal of CO2 Utilization,2022,55:101820 (SCI二区)

[6]Deng L , Su Q Q ,Ye Q ,et al., Slag based geopolymer microsphere-supported Cu: a low-cost and sustainable catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation[J]. Sustainable Energy& Fuel, 2022, 6:1436-1447. (共一,SCI三区)

[7] Wan H Y, He Y, Su Q Q, et al. Slag-based geopolymer microspheres as a support for CO2 methanation[J]. Fuel, 2022, 319:123627. (SCI二区)

[8] Su Q Q*, Xie Y Y , Chen M L , et al. Enhance the removal and immobilization of Cd(II) by the synthesis in situ of dithiocarbamate-geopolymer microsphere composite[J]. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 2022, 622:562-576. (SCI一区)

[9] Su Q Q , Li S Y , Chen M L, et al., Highly efficient CdIIremoval using macromolecular dithiocarbamate/slag-based geopolymer composite microspheres (SGM-MDTC), Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 286:120395. (SCI一区)

[10]Su Q Q, Wei X, Yang Y, et al.,In-situ conversion of geopolymer into novel floral magnetic sodalite microspheres for efficient removal of Cd(II) from water[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 450: 131363 (SCI 一区)

[11] Ye Q, Li S, …Su Q*,et al. Ce enhanced RuNi alloy multi-metal synergic hydrotalcite oxide derived catalyst for high performance CO2 methanation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 486: 150426 (SCI 一区)

[12] Deng X, Su Q, He Y, et al. Preparation of antifouling Janus photo evaporator by in-situ growth of carbon nanotubes/graphene on zeolite surface[J]. Applied Energy, 2024, 359: 122673 (SCI 一区)


[1] 苏俏俏,薛兴勇,韩要丛,周智成,雷婕,赵芹, 一种基于粉煤灰制备新型沸石微球的方法及新型沸石微球, 2022.11.08.中国,ZL20210976541.8

[2] 苏俏俏,薛兴勇,韩要丛,周智成,杨光瑶,黄荣华, 一种花型沸石分子筛、其制备方法及应用,2022.11.18. 中国,ZL202110984785.0

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