
2020年05月27日 12:02

作者: 来源: 访问量:8304


联系方式:E-mail: qinh_gxun@qq.com


黄钦,男,壮族,19761月生,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。广西民族大学化学化工学院党委书记,广西林产化学与工程重点实验室副主任。广西青联第九届委员会委员,广西化学化工学会理事会第九届、第十届常务理事,广西高等教育学会化学专业委员会理事会第六届副秘书长、第七届常务理事。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目1项、省部级科研项目1项等项目。目前主持在研国家自然科学基金1项、广西科技计划项目1项、广西自然科学基金1项。在国内外期刊Crystal Growth & DesignPolymer、物理化学学报等杂志上发表论文40余篇。已独立指导9研究生。主持省部级教改项目3项,获广西教学成果奖一等奖1(第一完成人,2017) 民族院校教学成果评估A1(第一完成人,2020)






1.      松香基分子印迹膜的结构调控及定向分离三七活性成分三七素的研究,国家自然科学基金(31860192),2019.1-2022.1247万元.

2.      广西民族药物资源数据库及检索平台的研究与设计,国家自然科学基金(21463006), 2015.01-2018.12, 49.

3.      松香基吸附分离微球树脂合成及其在药物控释中应用的研究,广西科技计划项目(桂科AD18126002),2018.7-2020.12100万元.

4.      松香基白杨素分子印迹聚合物的设计合成及用于木蝴蝶抗癌活性评价的研究,广西自然科学基金(2018GXNSFAA138126),2019.1-2021.1210万元.


1.      Jing YF, Young DJ, Huang Q*, Mi Y, Zhang SC, Hu FL*. Amino group decorated coordination polymers for enhanced detection of folic acid. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular (in print)

2.      Zhao YZ, Zou MJ, Liao HZ, Du FK, Lei FH, Tan XC, Zhang JY, Huang Q*, Zhou JY*. Crystallization and Temperature Driven Morphological Evolution of Bio-based Polyethylene Glycol-acrylic Rosin Polymer. Polymers, 2019, 11: 1684.

3.      Jing YF, Long BF, Huang Q*, Mi Y, Gao YK, Hu FL*. Ln-incorporated coordination complexes as fluorescence sensor for selective detection nitroaromatic compounds. Materials Chemistry and Physics 232 (2019) 152-159.

4.      Long BF, Qin GF, Huang Q, Xiong T, Mi Y, Hu FL*, Yin XH*. Homocoupling of arylboronic acids catalyzed by dinuclear copper(I) complexes under mild conditions. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2019, 16: 2639-2646.

5.      Long BF, Wang MF, Huang Q, Yin XH, Young DJ, Hu FL*, Mi Y*. A pillar-layer strategy to construct 2D polycatenated coordination polymers for luminescence detection of Cr2O72− and CrO42− in aqueous solution. CrystEngComm, 2019, 21: 4943-4950.

6.      Xiong T, Tan ZY, Mi Y*, Huang Q, Tan Y, Yin XH*, Hu FL. On-site generated metal organic framework-deriving core/shell ZnCo2O4/ZnO nanoarray for better water oxidation. Nanotechnology, 2019, 30(49): 495405.

7.      Zhou JY*, Lan YJ, Lei FH, Zhao YZ, Lu JF, Huang Q*, Li PF, Li H, Zhang JY. Synthesis, surface properties and temperature dependence of phase separation of DSPE chains in ethanol solutions[J]. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42: 11192-11201.

8.      Zhao YZ, Zhou JY*, Lan YJ, Li PF, Du FK, Lei FH, Li H, Huang Q*. Progressive Relaxation Behavior and Relaxation Dynamics of sPS Gels upon Controlled Heating[J]. Polymers, 2018, 10(5): 526.

9.      XiaoFF# Jian Pu J#, Wen QX#, Huang Q#, Zhang QL#, Huang BR, Huang SS, Lan AH, Zhang YN, Li JT, Zhao D, Shen J, Wu HY, He Y, Li HT, Yang XL*. Association between the ERCC2 Asp312Asn polymorphism and risk of cancer [J]. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(29): 48488-48506.

10.  Li Y, Xie P, Lu L, Wang J, Diao LH, Liu ZY, Guo FF, He YZG, Liu Y, Huang Q, Liang H, Li D*, He FC*. An integrated bioinformatics platform for investigating the human E3 ubiquitin ligase-substrate interaction network [J]. Nature Communications, 2017, 8(1):347.

11.  Zhou JY*, Zhang X, Zhao YZ, Xu HT, Li PF, Li H, Zhang JY, Huang Q, Lei FH. Surface Properties and Structural Transformation Behaviors of mPEG-Maleic Rosin Copolymer in Water[J]. Polymers, 2017, 9(10): 466.

12.  Zhao YZ, Zhou JY, Lei FH, Xu HT, Lu JF, Huang ZY, Huang Q, Li PF. Temperature induced multiple structure transformation and aggregation behaviors of amphiphilic acrylicpimaric acid polyglycol ester in water[J]. Polymer, 2017, 118: 49-57.

13.  周菊英, 张玲玉, 李鹏飞, 黄钦*. 以马来松香丙烯酸乙二醇酯为交联剂的分子印迹聚合物对槲皮素的选择吸附性能[J]. 精细化工, 2016, 33(3): 314-319.

14.  Wang SL#, Hu FL#, Zhou JY, Zhou Y, Huang Q*, Lang JP*. Rigidity versus Flexibility of Ligands in the Assembly of Entangled Coordination Polymers Based on Bi- and Tetra Carboxylates and N-Donor Ligands[J]. Crystal Growth & Design, 2015, 15(8): 14087–4097.

15.  Wang SL, Zhang LY, Jiang F, Huang Q*. Synthesis, Structures and Properties of Two New Coordination Polymers with Unprecedented Water Cluster[J]. Journal of Cluster Science, 2015, 26(3): 959-972.

16.  Wang SL, Hu FL, Jiang F, Huang MY, Xiang CW, Huang Q*. Hydrothermal Synthesis, Structures and Luminescent of 1D Lanthanide–Metal Organic Frameworks Based on Rigid 5-Nitroisophthalic Acid Linker[J]. Journal of Inorganic & Organometallic Polymers & Materials, 2015, 25(3): 551-558.

17.  Wang SL, Zhang LY, Huang Q*. Self-Assembly of 2D Lanthanide-Metal Coordination Polymers Based on 5-Nitroisophthalic Acid Linker: Synthesis, Structures, and Luminescence[J]. Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals, 2015, 609(1): 161-170.

18.  Wang SL, Zhang LY, Xu WJ, Huang Q*. Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of 3D Lanthanide Coordination Polymers Based on 5-Nitroisophthalic Acid[J]. Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals, 2015, 607(1): 181-191.

19.  蒋芬, 吴凯飞, 王书龙, 黄曼艳, 向昌维, 黄钦*. 异质结构BiOCl/ZnO光催化剂的绿色合成及其光催化性能[J]. 材料导报, 2015(24): 7-10.

20.  蒋芬, 吴凯飞, 王书龙, 黄曼艳, 黄钦*. AgCl/BiOCl片组装纳米花球的合成及光催化性能研究[J]. 材料导报, 2015, 29(22): 11-15.

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